Opening soon: betahaus | Gänsemarkt

– Opening April 2025

betahaus | Gänsemarkt

Our new location in the city centre is opening in April 2025. To stay in the loop about upcoming opening specials and events, feel free to sign up for our Newsletter.

Gänsemarkt 43 | 20354 Hamburg
Station U2 Gänsemarkt

Stay in the loopContact Us

Team Offices, Fixed and Flex Desks

Team Offices

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Flex Desks

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Fix Desks

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem.

Team Offices
from 500,-€/month

  • up to 60 PAX
  • fully furnished
  • business address + mailbox
  • roaming in betahaus | Hamburg
  • global roaming
  • 10h meeting room/month
  • discount on all additional hours
  • community events
Contact Us

Fixed Desk
from 500,-€/month

  • dedicated desk in shared office
  • 24/7 access, incl. premium area
  • business address + mailbox
  • roaming in betahaus | Hamburg
  • global roaming
  • lockers
  • 5h meeting room/month
  • discount on all additional hours
  • community events
Contact Us

Flex Desk / Professional
from 300,-€/month

  • Flex Desk area
  • 24/7 access, incl. premium area
  • business address + mailbox
  • roaming in betahaus | Hamburg
  • global roaming
  • lockers
  • 5h meeting room/month
  • discount on all additional hours
  • community events


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem.

Workshops + Events

The perfect and well-equipped space for workshops, public discussions, barcamps, networking events and corporate or team events. Flexible and individual furnishing and technical set-ups for your event.

  • up to 150 PAX
  • 500 m2
  • optional bar + catering service


Start your hackathon, run your barcamp, plan your afterwork aperitivos or team event. Furnishing, catering, bar service and technical setup tailored to your needs – the way you need it, when you need it.

  • up to 150 PAX
  • 500 m2
  • optional bar + catering service

Meeting rooms

Check-In hourly, half day or full day into our all set-up meeting rooms – just as you need them when you need them.
For small teams, client meetings or bigger teams with up to 16 people.

  • up to 16 PAX
  • available for hourly
    or day bookings


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail

You'll never work alone – always in beta

betahaus Hamburg is the perfect place for companies, creatives, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who want to work in a flexible environment.
At our locations in Schanze, Hafencity, and very soon at Gänsemarkt, we offer team offices, coworking spaces, meeting rooms, event spaces, and a strong network and lovely community. Here, you and your team can work productively, connect with others, grow through exciting projects, and participate in events.

More about betahaus | Hamburg
You'll never work alone. Coworker sitzen gemeinsam im Café vom betahaus Hamburg.

Get to know our other locations in Hamburg

betahaus | Schanze
Eifflerstr. 43
Since 2010, betahaus Schanze has been our creative hotspot
in the heart of the Schanzenviertel. Freelancers, startups, NGOs, and corporate teams work here in a cozy and inspiring atmosphere with flexible workspaces and numerous networking opportunities.
Join the Tour

Coworking, Flex + Fixed Memberships, Eventspaces,
Meetingrooms, Team-Offices

Rückzugsort im betahaus in der HafenCity.
betahaus | HafenCity
Versmannstr. 4
At betahaus HafenCity, you’ll find a modern workspace
close to the water and international companies.
It’s ideal for anyone looking to work in a dynamic, creative environment with a calm and professional business atmosphere.
Join the Tour

Coworking, Flex + Fixed Memberships, Eventspaces,
Meetingrooms, Team-Offices

– Eröffnung im April 2025

betahaus | Gänsemarkt

Unser neuer Standort im Stadtzentrum eröffnet im April 2025. Um über Eröffnungsangebote und Events auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, melde dich gerne für unseren Newsletter an.

Gänsemarkt 43 | 20354 Hamburg
Station U2 Gänsemarkt

Betahaus NewsletterFragen? Schreib uns!

Team Büros, Fixed und Flex Desks

Team Offices

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Flex Desks

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Fix Desks

up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem.

Team Büros
ab 500,-€/mtl.

  • für bis zu 60 PAX
  • voll möbliert (auf Wunsch)
  • 24/7 Zugang
  • Geschäftsadresse + Briefkasten
  • Unbeschränktes Roaming
    in Hamburg
  • Globales Roaming
  • 10h Meetingraum/Monat
  • Rabatte auf weitere
  • Community Events
Fragen? Schreib Uns!

Fixed Desk
ab 500,-€/mtl.

  • Eigener, fester Schreibtisch auf gesonderter Fläche
  • 24/7 Zugang, inkl. Premium Fläche
  • Geschäftsadresse + Briefkasten
  • Unbeschränktes Roaming
    in Hamburg
  • Globales Roaming
  • Schließfächer
  • 5h Meetingraum/Monat
  • Rabatte auf weitere
  • Community Events
Fragen? Schreib uns!

Flex Desk / Professional
ab 300,-€/mtl.

  • Flexibler Arbeitsplatz auf Premium Fläche
  • 24/7 Zugang
  • Geschäftsadresse + Briefkasten
  • Unbeschränktes Roaming
    in Hamburg
  • Globales Roaming
  • Schließfächer
  • 5h Meetingraum/Monat
  • Rabatte auf weitere
  • Community Events
Fragen? Schreib Uns!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros. Quisque quis euismod lorem.


Der perfekt ausgestattete Raum für Workshops, öffentliche Diskussionen, Barcamps, Networking-Events sowie Unternehmens- oder Teamevents. Flexible und individuelle Setups und technische Vollausstattung, genau nach deinen Bedürfnissen.

  • bis zu 150 PAX
  • 500 m2
  • Optional mit Bar + Catering Service
Fragen? Schreib uns!


Starte deinen Hackathon, veranstalte dein Barcamp oder plane deine Afterwork-Aperitivos und Teamevents.
Möblierung und Set-Up nach deinen Wünschen – alles genau so, wie du es brauchst.

  • bis zu 150 PAX
  • 500 m2
  • Optional mit Bar + Catering Service
Fragen? Schreib uns!


Checke stundenweise, für einen halben oder ganzen Tag in unsere voll ausgestatteten Meetingräume ein.
Unsere Besprechungsräume sind perfekt für kleine Teams, Kundentermine oder größere Gruppen mit bis zu 16 Personen.

  • bis zu 16 PAX
  • stundenweise, halb-/ganztags
  • Optional mit Getränkeflat
Fragen? Schreib uns!


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail


up to 60 PAX
fully furnished
24/7 access
business address + post service
global roaming
10h meetingroom/month
community events + access

Link to Mail

You'll never work alone – always in beta

Das betahaus Hamburg ist der perfekte Ort für Unternehmen, Kreative, Gründer- und Freelancer*innen, die in einer flexiblen Umgebung arbeiten möchten. An unseren Standorten in Schanze, HafenCity und bald auch am Gänsemarkt bieten wir Teambüros, Coworking-Spaces, Meeting- und Eventräume sowie ein starkes Netzwerk und eine herzliche Community.
Hier kannst du mit deinem Team produktiv arbeiten, dich mit anderen vernetzen, an innovativen Projekten wachsen und an zahlreichen Events teilnehmen.

Mehr über das betahaus | Hamburg
You'll never work alone. Coworker sitzen gemeinsam im Café vom betahaus Hamburg.

Schau doch mal in unseren anderen Standorten vorbei
und triff uns auf einen Kaffee.

betahaus | Schanze
Eifflerstr. 43
Seit 2010 ist das betahaus Schanze unser kreativer Hotspot
im Herzen des Schanzenviertels. Freelancer*innen, Startups, NGOs und Corporate-Teams arbeiten hier in einer gemütlichen und inspirierenden Atmosphäre mit flexiblen Arbeitsplätzen und zahlreichen Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten.

Guided Tour mit Teelke jeden Donnerstag um 11:30 Uhr.
Anmeldung Tour

Coworking, Flex + Fixed Mitgliedschaften,
Veranstaltungflächen und Workshopräume,
Konferenzräume, Team-Büros

Rückzugsort im betahaus in der HafenCity.
betahaus | HafenCity
Versmannstr. 4
Im betahaus HafenCity findest du einen modernen
Arbeitsplatz in direkter Nähe zum Wasser und internationalen Unternehmen. Ideal für alle, die in einem dynamischen, kreativen Umfeld mit einer ruhigen und professionellen Business-Atmosphäre arbeiten möchten.

Guided Tour mit Lukas jeden Dienstag um 12:00 Uhr.
Anmeldung Tour

Coworking, Flex + Fixed Mitgliedschaften,
Veranstaltungflächen und Workshopräume,
Konferenzräume, Team-Büros

More about betahaus

betahaus is a community and coworking space Berlin for people who want to work on their own projects while exchanging knowledge, ideas, and inspiration with others. The coworking space Berlin was created to open doors and to expand possibilities. It has grown to offer coworking -- Berlin and beyond -- with the intention to foster entrepreneurship and creativity and to facilitate rapid prototyping and innovative product development. betahaus is no longer just offering coworking Berlin, but has expanded internationally, creating coworking spaces in Barcelona, Sofia, and Hamburg.

Why choose betahaus over coworking spaces like Factory, PAUAhouse, and Co.Up? betahaus is an open-access coworking space in Kreuzberg, with no selection process, nor requirements for members to join. Working together is based on a match of qualifications, rather than hierarchy. The office for coworking Berlin consists of roughly 500 entrepreneurs, startups, corporate teams, freelancers, and creatives, who to various degrees collaborate and cooperate. With recurring community events like betabreakfast, betabeer, and Tupperware Tuesdays, to the 24-hour festival People In Beta, betahaus hosts more than 1,000 yearly meetups and startup events Berlin to help members connect with one another.

The coworking space is designed to constantly meet the requirements that professionals have for their work station. Spread out over 4000 square meters on five levels, betahaus | Berlin offers a free coworking café on the first floor, three floors of dedicated coworking spaces, various private offices and meeting rooms, and four event spaces that host over a thousand startup events per year. All coworking spaces are equipped with office supplies such as printers, copy machines, lockers and phone booths, and every floor has its own kitchen. betahaus is the ideal place for anyone looking for a coworking space Berlin Kreuzberg, right by Moritzplatz (U8), on Prinzessinnenstrasse 19-20.

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